Consent form

The form below enables you to give explicit consent to the way we hold and use your personal data and confirm your understanding of your rights. If you answer ‘No’ to any response, we will contact you to discuss your concerns.

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Please select a title
AQMLM status
Please check this carefully - it will be how we principally communicate with you. Ensure that our email address is in your 'white' list.
Please give a direct line to your desk if possible.
This is optional, but it is very useful if we cannot get through to your work number.
Preferred method of contact
By selecting 'Yes' you consent to AQMLM holding your personal details, membership and event attendance and payment record on the website host server, which is backed up periodically onto AQMLM computers and external drives.
By indicating 'Yes' you consent to AQMLM holding details of your personal profile, membership and meeting attendance records and payments offline on AQMLM computers and hard drives.
By selecting 'Yes' you confirm that you understand that you may change your personal profile details at any time.
By selecting 'Yes' you confirm that you understand that you may ask AQMLM to delete your account at any time.
By selecting 'Yes' you confirm that you understand that you may ask AQMLM to send you details of all the information it holds on you and how it is used.
By selecting 'Yes' you confirm that you understand that AQMLM will never give your personal details to a third party without asking for your explicit permission on each and every occasion.
Please use this space for any comments or questions.